
Prophetic Sunday Service

We are excited to be hosting Rebecca King on the 27th of November 2022.
Come, Join us, and be expectant to hear from an international apostle and prophetess.

About Rebecca King:
Founder of Invictus Prophetic Global, a gathering place for both established and emerging prophets around the world.
Rebecca King is a prophet and an apostle. She carries both uncompromising truth and strategic vision to people and places. Having walked in her mantle as a prophet for many years she has influenced and raised up prophets wherever she has been. Her travels around the world combined with her growing up years of living in Africa, Northern and Southern Manitoba and Europe have captured her heart with a worldwide vision to reach prophets globally.
Rebecca carries an authority that is sharp and witty which has created a capacity for her to attract people of various backgrounds who draw from her deep prophetic well. She is recognized as a “mother” role model because of the mature and forthright wisdom, she releases. Her heart is to empower, train, equip and release prophets into their calling with grace and understanding for what is deemed a lonely road and potentially misunderstood office


Nov 27 2022


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Denver
  • Date: Nov 27 2022
  • Time: 8:00 am - 11:00 am


More church
Kapital building, Leicester, LE1 3UD


Gisela Lyshetti
Gisela Lyshetti

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