
What to live life to the fullest? Have your foundations in God.

Gisela Lyshetti


Ministry of Reconciliation is a Christian organisation launched in 2020. We are a Local church and a missions hub with a clear mandate from

Gisela: 075811 64207

Ministry of Reconciliation is a Christian organisation launched in 2020. We are a Local church and a missions hub with a clear mandate from God.

Pastor Gisela along with her husband, inspired by God, founded Ministry of Reconciliation in early 2020. Gisela is from a mixed cultural upbringing, having born in Germany and grown up in London. Gisela is a well-respected international businesswoman as well as the prophetic voice in the church.
She operates in signs, wonders and miracles as a vessel to see God do mighty things.

Gisela has a passion to see the youth encounter God and live a supernatural life from a young age. She currently oversees the youth alongside her youth leader. Her primary focus is to expose the supernatural to the next generation, demystifying modern false concepts of Christianity.

Gisela has a charming bubbly character, that allows her to make connections instantly. She enjoys worship, serving, teaching and playing with her puppy.

The Marketplace

Gisela travels international for work and business as well as taking any opportunity to spread the love of God, wherever her foot treads. She is currently in the process of setting up multiple business ventures with the inspiration and blueprints from God.

One of Gisela’s mandate is to host the presence of God within the marketplace by impacting, training, leading and discipling her staff, contractor and those around. She has also founded her own YouTube Channel called Entrepreneur’s Diary, with the vision to equip, empower and release wisdom through her journey as an Entrepreneur.

Gisela is passionate to see young entrepreneurs rise in modern society, in order to fund the kingdom of God, live without lack, learn to trust God without bounds and empower men and women globally.

Interested to have Gisela speak at your church, conference, gathering or meeting? Invite her today.

INVITE Pastor Gisela to your church


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